The Stand – Stephen King

For someone who has been a much ardent follower of western cinema, there has always been a certain charm about Stephen King stories. Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, The Shining, Pet Sematary, Carrie, It, and so on. The list is endless. Some of the most legendary stories that have graced the silver screen have borne Stephen King’s imprint on them. And hence it was with little hesitation and much expectation that I picked up ‘The Stand’.

The book, particularly in the first quarter or so, is extremely fast paced, and the gradually settles down in a world of its own. It starts with a plot twist that immediately captures and subsequently holds your attention; something very characteristic of King’s tales. It is in the first few pages itself that you know you are hooked. Another bit that is particularly endearing, is the many characters he carefully etches in the tale. Their histories, their quirks, their moral compasses and failings, their habits and oddities made for joyous reading. It seemed like your were living with them. Two of my favorites were Nick Andros and Tom Cullen. Laws, yes, Tom Cullen!

What I liked most in the book is how it had intertwined the large themes of civilisation, good vs. evil, grit, love and a myriad of others with fiction. Certain specific conversations between key characters in the story seemed to offer immense perspective and were really worth reading several times over. No wonder they make for such great film scripts.  

One area I feel where the book could have done better was the length. At 1200 pages, the story sometimes falls to a pace that it feels like a drag, but such moments are few and far in-between. Also, at a couple of points you would also find the plot to lose its strength compared to how strongly the story had started.

For all its worth, I think ‘The Stand’ makes for a wonderful reading. Definitely one of the best sci-fi thriller I have read.  if you have the stomach for long tales, and soft spot for fiction, I would strongly recommend giving it a try. Stephen King’s tales leave you enriched in ways you can never really fathom before.

Goodreads rating: 4/5

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