What Money Can’t Buy : The Morality of Free Markets – Michael J. Sandel


Interesting, is what comes to my mind as I look back upon, “What Money Can’t Buy”. Having been a fan of Michael Sandel for far too long, this was my first book authored by him (I had already seen a part of Justice – the Online Series). Like his usual stimulating talks, Sandel invokes a fascinating question in this book – “Is the increasing influence of market values corroding our lives?” And through innumerable, examples, assertions and reasons he takes us through an exciting tour extremely strange invasions of the free market in spheres of life that we deem too sacrosanct to even remotely consider the possibility.

What I feel stands out in Michael Sandel’s works is his impartiality towards the issue being discussed and thus enabling the reader to form ideas and opinions of their own. He establishes ground enough for the pro-market economists and then takes their case with sound philosophic arguments. Continue reading What Money Can’t Buy : The Morality of Free Markets – Michael J. Sandel